Monday, June 11, 2012

Monday's Makings: Cinnamon Roll Ice Cream

I love ice cream.  I always have.  I am kind of picky.  I don't want "ice milk" and I don't like it to have too much fat in it.  I really didn't care for Coldstone creamery.  It left my mouth feeling greasy.

Several years ago we had a small shop in a very small town (pop. <1000) south of here.  They had a delightful ice cream called Cinnamon Roll.  They closed but after several attempts I have my own version that is liked around here.

Saturday my husband wanted spaghetti and meatballs for supper.  I don't like them, so....I made homemade ice cream for dessert for me.  What can I say?  I am still a kid about some things.

You would think an ice cream connoisseur such as myself would have ice cream dishes.  I don't. Use your imagination.

My ice cream is actually more of a frozen custard because it has eggs in it.  My freezer is a 6 quart freezer and I will give the recipe for that but you can easily cut it down to whatever size you want.

3 cups white sugar
2 tablespoons cornstarch
pinch of salt (probably unnecessary but Grandma always did!)
1 can of Milnot (evaporated milk)  You can substitute 2 cups of milk if you want

10 eggs, beaten till frothy

2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 teaspoon maple flavoring
1 teaspoon butter flavoring

3/4 cup chopped pecans.

1 quart of heavy cream
~half gallon milk

Blend sugar and cornstarch in a heavy pot (at least 3 quarts).  Stir in Milnot.  Heat with stirring over a medium to medium high heat until boiling.  Using a hand blender or a mixer, stream one cup of the hot syrup into the eggs while blending.  Add the egg mixture back to the pot, again with mixing. Heat the mixture with mixing until it is just before boiling.  Remove from heat.  Add in cinnamon and flavorings blending well.  Stir in cream to cool mixture and stop cooking.  Pour the mixture into the canister for the ice cream freezer.  Add the nuts and use the milk to top the freezer off to the fill line.  If using a stick blender it is good to give one final "blend".

Ice cream freezers are cheap but frustrate a lot of people.  The key is the salt.  Use a LOT and it will go faster.  For our 6 quart freezer I use 2 cups of salt.  Layer ice and salt repeatedly around the canister and start churning.  It will take 45 minutes to an hour for a tub to churn.  Just leave the canister in the tub with the salted ice and cover with towels or rugs until ready to serve.  Most people LOVE homemade ice cream.

If you want vanilla, leave out the flavorings, cinnamon and pecans.  Add one and half teaspoons of vanilla instead.

This recipe is just right for us - not overly sweet or overly greasy.  My sister does cut back on the eggs to 7 because of a transcription error years ago.  I use Milnot for the same reason my grandmother did.  Canned milk was easier to store than fresh and the boys drink the fresh.

I just finished this bowl.  I hope someone else is soon enjoying some.



  1. OH, Coldstone Creamery, be still my heart! But I wouldn't turn down a bowl of your homemade deliciousness, either!

  2. Your ice cream looks so good. I've never made it myself but you make it so tempting!!

  3. I had never heard of Cinnamon roll ice cream so I had to click on your link to learn about it. Sounds delicious. Can't wait to try it. Found you from the All the Small Stuff blog hop. I link up there too. I'm your newest follower. Hope you'll return the favor and follow my blog and/or FB fan page!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I love hearing from people. I have turned word verification back off. We will see how that works.