I went to my sewing room and made two of these.
They are for the BOM the month I am doing, A Tisket, A Tasket I am using Windham fabrics Flour Sack collection. Most of the women are doing Civil War prints. I have been to one meeting and it did not go well for me. I considered quitting but I am too stubborn. Besides, I love the finished quilt top. The one in the shop is so much prettier than the pattern shows.
So...I did the dumb journal cover they said I HAD to do. But, I didn't do it like they said. Tee hee hee... I actually made this block with another fabric, too. I am using my 1936 Featherweight to make this quilt. She has no seam widths on the throat plate. So, I am practicing everything like a good little girl. I figure if I use up these fat quarters that I have NO IDEA why I bought, I will have a throw size quilt at the end of the year.
I am going to a retreat in Texas in April. My aunt and I are driving from San Antonio to north of Tyler. I am keeping my bonus money to spend on that trip. Thanks so much, Todd!
So....it started very bad but today was a very good day for me. I accomplished my goals for the month and got an unexpected bonus in being appreciated and PAID! WooHoo!