Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I have been busy.....

I am going to try to go back chronologically.  I am having a little trouble putting pictures in from photobucket.   So, I hope this works.

In July I made a baby quilt for a co-worker.  She wanted pastels and she was decorating in ABC 123.  I had just gotten a magazine (maybe Quilt) that had this pattern in it.  This was as close to pastels as I could take myself.  I used some of my stash, some of my sisters and I bought some.  It is backed in yellow flannel.

Here is a better picture of the colors but every seam shows through in the sun.  That simply amazed me.

It really isn't as distorted as it looks.  I have a hard time with random and really had to work at this but I like how it turned out. 

 ETA: I figured out the picture issue and FIXED it!

I will work on the picture issue and make another post tonight. I have pictures for a tutorial type post in case anyone ever reads this.

Keep stitchin'

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